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Dental Implant

Table of Contents

Our Special Offer

  • Dental Implant with All Ceramic Crown
  • Only 36,000 baht per tooth
  • Free Consultation/ CT Scan/ Surgical Guide/ Oral Scan
  • Offer valid until 30 December 2025

Table of Contents

Dental Implant: Permanent Treatment to Replace Your Missing Tooth

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is an artificial root replacement that is used to support one or more false teeth. Usually, tooth implants replace missing teeth that have been removed due to injury, disease or decay. It is usually more comfortable than a dental plate or crown and so implants are becoming very popular. Dental Implant Services Available at Bangkok New Smile

  1. Single Dental Implant
  2.  Multi-tooth Dental Implant
  3. Sinus Augmentation (Sinus Lift and Bone Graft)
  4. Ridge Modification (Bone Graft)

Parts of a Dental Implant

A dental implant consists of three parts

  1. Implant: a titanium rod which acts as a ‘root’, ready for a replacement crown.
  2. Abutment (Post): the part which connects the implant to the crown
  3. Crown: the replacement for a natural tooth which is also known as a ‘restoration’

Single Tooth Replacement Procedure

The procedure is relatively simple. A small hole is precisely drilled into the bone at the location of the missing tooth. A small titanium implant is placed into the prepared site. The implant is allowed to heal for 4-5 months. During this time, you can wear a temporary tooth replacement. You won’t even know the implant is there. After healing is complete, the implant is uncovered, and the final crown is placed. Please check our Dental Implant Procedure Table above for the timeline. The result is esthetically pleasing, remarkably strong, durable, and surprisingly economical.

Multi-tooth Dental Implant

Just as with one missing tooth, several missing teeth can be easily treated with dental implants. Implant-supported teeth are permanently fixed in the mouth, unlike removable appliances like dentures. They don’t slip or click, and there is no worry about them moving or falling out when speaking, eating, or participating in activities. And because dental implants are placed directly into the bone, they help preserve the jawbone and prevent bone deterioration.

The implants are placed in the bone below the gum tissue acting as anchors or posts for a custom-made bridge that will match your existing teeth. After completed healing, multiple crowns or a custom bridge is cemented onto the abutments. Remember, dental implants halt bone loss and help preserve your remaining healthy teeth.

Steps for Dental Implant Procedure

  1. Begin with a thorough examination of X-rays and develop a treatment plan.
  2. Prepare the bone and insert the dental implant. Stitch up the wound and put in a healing screw to prepare the gum tissue.
  3. Allow for a healing period of 1-2 weeks then come in to have stitches removed and let the bone fuse with the dental implant
  4. After 3 months, remove the healing screw to create an impression for the crown and cover.
  5. 1 week later, Install the crown and securely attach it to the dental implant for immediate use. Then, return to the dentist for a final check to ensure a proper fit and make any necessary adjustments.

Treatments Related to the Implant Procedure

Sinus Augmentation (Sinus Lift)

Sinus Augmentation or Sinus Lift will be performed when the upper jawbone is not thick enough or the sinus cavity is too close to the tooth root for installing a dental implant. The sinus cavity is raised or lifted using sinus lift equipment. Following this step, a bone graft is always necessary to provide enough jawbone support for the installation of the dental implant.

Ridge Modification (Bone Graft)

Ridge Modification or Bone Graft is necessary when the jawbone is not thick enough for installing a dental implant. The bone graft gives the jawbone the necessary strength and thickness for the installation of a dental implant.

Premolar (middle) Tooth

Unit: 1 tooth
Visits: 2 – 4
Duration: see note [1]
Price (Thai Baht): 8,000

Anterior (incisor and canine) Tooth

Unit: 1 tooth
Visits: 2 -4
Duration: see note [1]
Price (Thai Baht): 7,000


Unit: 1 
Visits: 1
Duration: 1 minutes
Price (Thai Baht): 300

Glass Ionomer

Unit: 1 surface
Visits: 1
Duration: 30 minutes
Price (Thai Baht): 800

Temporary Filler

Unit: 1 surface
Visits: 1
Duration: 30 minutes
Price (Thai Baht): 500

Composite Resin

Unit: 1 tooth
Visits: 1
Duration: 30 minutes
Price (Thai Baht): 1,800

Dental sealants

Unit: 1 tooth
Visits: 1
Duration: 10 minutes
Price (Thai Baht): 600

Composite Resin Inlay or Onlay

Unit: 1 tooth
Visits: 2
Duration: 1 week
Price (Thai Baht): 6,000

Amalgam Filler (silver color)

Unit: 1 surface
Visits: 1
Duration: 30 minutes
Price (Thai Baht): 800

Composite Resin Filler (natural tooth color)

Unit: 1 surface
Visits: 1
Duration: 30 minutes
Price (Thai Baht): 800

Composite resin filler is used to fill cavities. It is strong and durable and can be mixed to appear as the same color as the surrounding tooth.

Root Planing for Deep Cleaning of Plaque

Unit: 1 tooth
Visits: 1
Duration: 10 minutes/tooth
Price (Thai Baht): 500

Root planing is a procedure that is designed to clean areas of tooth that can’t be reached using scaling and polishing or the Air Flow procedure. This procedure is commonly used in patients who have periodontal disease (gum and bone disease). Sometimes patients will need an injection (shot) for pain relief.

Stain Removal by Air Flow Polishing

Unit: 1 mouth
Visits: 1
Duration: 15-30 minute
Price (Thai Baht): 800

Air flow polishing is a procedure used to remove stubborn tooth stains such as coffee, tea, and tartar (smokers stain). Water, air and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) are forced through a small nozzle to make a powerful jet which can remove difficult stains and reach areas around the tooth that can’t be cleaned using scaling and polishing.

Scaling and Polishing

Unit: 1 full mouth
Visits: 1
Duration: 15-30 minutes
Price (Thai Baht): 1,200

Scaling and Polishing of teeth includes routine cleaning and plaque removal in order to prevent gingivitis (gum disease) and periodontitis (gum and bone disease).

Intra-Oral X-Rays

Unit: 1 film
Visits: 1
Duration: 10 second
Price (Thai Baht): 400

Cephalometric X-Rays

Unit: 1 film
Visits: 1
Duration: 30 seconds
Price (Thai Baht): 900

Dental CT Scan

Unit: 1 scan
Visits: 1
Duration: 30 seconds
Price (Thai Baht): 4,000

Panoramic X-Rays

Unit: 1 film
Visits: 1
Duration: 30 second
Price (Thai Baht): 900

Oral Examination

Unit: 1 mouth
Visits: 1
Duration: 30 minutes
Price (Thai Baht): 0

Mini Screw

Unit: 1 piece
Visits: 1
Duration: 1 hours
Price (Thai Baht): 5,000

Night Guard

Unit: 1 piece
Visits: 2
Duration: 7 days
Price (Thai Baht): 3,000

Metal Wire Color Plastic Base (removable)

Unit: 1 piece
Visits: 2
Duration: 7 days
Price (Thai Baht): 2,000

Clear Retainer

Unit: 1 piece
Visits: 1
Duration: 3 hours
Price (Thai Baht): 2,000

Damon Clear Braces

Unit: 1 full mouth
Visits: monthly
Duration: 1-2 years
Price (Thai Baht): 75,000

Damon Braces

Unit: 1 full mouth
Visits: monthly
Duration: 1-2 years
Price (Thai Baht): 75,000

Metal Braces

Unit: full mouth
Visits: monthly
Duration: 1-2 years
Price (Thai Baht): 745,000 – 49,000

Ceramic Braces

Unit: full mouth
Visits: monthly
Duration: 1-2 years
Price (Thai Baht): 75,000


Unit: full mouth
Visits: monthly
Duration: 3 months to 2 years
Price (Thai Baht): 50,000 – 160,000

Clear Aligner

Unit: 1 case
Visits: monthly
Duration: 1-6 months
Price (Thai Baht): 3,500 – 18,000

The Clear Aligner is an orthodontic appliance used for minor tooth movement. It’s custom made from clear plastic and is strong and durable. It resembles a dental tray but is harder. It can be removed at any time during the treatment period to eat or whenever you want. This aligner is designed for the unique contours of your teeth and mouth so it won’t cause irriation to your mouth tissue.

Mini-Implant support Removable Denture

Unit: 1 tooth
Visits: 3 to 4
Duration: see note [1]
Price (Thai Baht): 20,000

Mini dental implants are artificial tooth roots made from titanium that are inserted into an area of tooth loss. The surrounding jaw bone grows around the implant over time to make it secure. They function the same way as original tooth roots. Mini implants are smaller than regular implants and are used to support removable dentures.

[1] At least two visits are required to Bangkok New Smile. A mold is taken of the tooth or teeth during the first visit. From this mold, the crown or veneer is made at our dental lab. On the second visit, the crown or veneer is fitted to the tooth or teeth. Following visits may be needed if adjustments to the fitting are needed or there are complications.

Single Implant includes all Ceramic Crown

Unit: 1 tooth
Visits: 4 to 5
Duration: see note [1]
Price (Thai Baht): 29,000

Dental implants are artificially tooth roots made from titanium that are inserted into an area of tooth loss. The surrounding jaw bone grows around the implant over time to make it secure. They function the same way as original tooth roots. The implant is capped by a dental crown which is shaped liked like a tooth and is made entirely of ceramics.

[1] At least two visits are required to Bangkok New Smile. A mold is taken of the tooth or teeth during the first visit. From this mold, the crown or veneer is made at our dental lab. On the second visit, the crown or veneer is fitted to the tooth or teeth. Following visits may be needed if adjustments to the fitting are needed or there are complications.

Single Implant includes Semi-Gold Crown

Unit: 1 tooth
Visits: 4 to 5
Duration: see note [1]
Price (Thai Baht): 39,000

Single Implant includes Palladium Crown

Unit: 1 tooth

Visits: 4 to 5

Duration: see note [1]

Price (Thai Baht): 39,000

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