Removable Partial Denture
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Table of Contents
Removable Partial Denture: Natural-Looking Replacement Teeth
Removable partial dentures (RPD) usually consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases. Depending on your needs, your dentist will design a partial denture. A partial denture may have a metal framework and clasps that connect to your teeth, or they can have other connectors that are more natural-looking. In some cases, a removable partial denture is made to attach to your natural teeth with devices called precision attachments. Precision attachments are generally more esthetic than clasps.
Types of Removable Partial Dentures
There are three main types of removable partial dentures:
1. Metal Frame Partial Denture (TP)
2. Acrylic Partial Denture (RPD)
3. Flexible Partial Denture (Valplast)
Removable Partial Denture Information
- Inserting and removing the partial denture will require some practice.
- Follow all instructions given by your dentist. Your denture should fit into place with relative ease. Never force the partial denture into position by biting down. You should eat soft foods and chew normally. Avoid sticky or hard foods and chewing gum in the beginning.
- Your dentist will give you specific instructions about how long the denture should be worn and when it should be removed.
- If you have any soreness, your dentist will adjust the partial denture to fit more comfortably and ask you to limit how long you wear your RPD.
- Partial denture can also help improve your speech but some speech practice may be necessary.
Removable Partial Dentures Can Be Repaired
Dentures are breakable. It’s best to have them repaired quickly as to avoid furthermore costly repairs. Most types of damage can be repaired in a day at Bangkok New Smile. We offer repair of complete and partial dentures.
Removable Partial Denture Repair Information
- Damaged or slightly broken RPDs can be repaired at our clinic.
- Sometimes heavy-duty wires are used to strengthen repairs.
- Most repairs can be completed in 1 day.